Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Preparations

 Hey guys, how are you all?!!

Christmas is around the corner, I can't believe how fast the last year have passed!!

It's my Third Christmas with Enad, how surreal!! It's not officially a white Christmas yet, we're still waiting, although the weather cast said no snow till the new year, but one can always wish.

The Christmas tree is out and up, Alex was so thrilled that night, he had a million things to sniff and bite on. We did enjoy the time we spent together, goofing around listing to Christmas songs in the background.

I love the Christmas spirit, what it does to us, how it manages to change us all to kids in matter of seconds. All you have to do is just listen to Christmas songs or see Santa ringing his bell in the street, It brings back such beautiful and joyful memories of my childhood, I guess I had a great experience with Christmas.

Arabic Coffee is boiling on the stove, filling the whole house with the aroma of the holidays, red wine sizzling in the clear glasses, Joyful lullabies all over, and people expressing their affections to one another. These are my memories of Christmas, I just hope it won't change because these are the exact memories I want my kids to remember when they're grown up.

My Christmas rituals include doodling. Such a great stress reliever. You get to spend Christmas night drinking hot chocolate -my favorite is with almond milk and peppermint- listening to Christmas chants, wearing your favorite PJ's and fuzzy socks, and Christmas doodling.

Christmas is all about happiness and joy, it's all about our lord Jesus Christ, that's why it's called CHRISTmas.

Don't forget to be thankful for all you have, I know I'm thankful for my family, friends, and just every joy I have in life, thank you Lord for everything.

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas everyone.

Enjoy your day.


Monday, December 21, 2015

Hey everyone

Hey guys.

Hope you are all doing well!


I'd like to introduce myself, my name is Aseel, I'm 28 years old, I went to collage in 2005 and had my bachelor's degree in Process Engineering in 2010, except I don't work no more and I enjoy bloging and writing articles now. I do publish almost regularly on www.jordanword.com , you'll find interesting articles there.

I've been married for three years now, my husband's Enad, he's 31 years old. He's applying to get his masters degree in E-Business.

I have the cutest dog ever.

 His name is Alex, he's 9 months old, and he's a Shih Tzu, fom Chinese Taipei, he's playful and energetic, loves his teddy bear and his tiger.

Subjects that interest me are fashion, makeup, art, music, and food. All my upcoming posts are going to be around these subjects. The variety of posts and themes hopefully will be to your taste.

My vision of my blog has always been a girly blog with a lot of girly subjects, but that will never stop me from posting about the World Cup, or the FIFA elections, or Chelsea.

Politics has never been my thing but I love to know anything and everything about the world affairs.

I really hope you know enough about me now, and I promise to post as regular as possible.

See you later,
