Hey guys,
Owning a pet is a great experience but also an expensive one between visits to the veterinarian and purchasing pet care products. Those furry little piles of love can hit your wallet hard, having a pet can cost so much money which is sure to put pressure on your family's budget.
Your pet doesn’t need fancy toys and accessories, just the basics of pet care are costly enough, as long as your furry friend gets plenty of exercise, food, water, and attention. Whether you have a dog, cat, or another type of animal in your care, you can always find ways to reduce expenses without jeopardizing care.
Here are 5 categories of everyday pet care to save money on.
1. Adopt
Adopting your pet from the pound or an animal shelter not only saves money, it also means you are helping an animal that needs a home.
I know many people who are against adopting from shelters due to the fact you know almost nothing about the dog’s past or heritage but when you’re on a Spending Fast or just monitoring your spending, adoption is an excellent route to go.
Please check this article about Ten Reasons to Adopt a Pet.
2. Health care
Annual preventive healthcare exams and regular preventive care – such as vaccinations, heartworm testing, fecal parasite exams, dental evaluation and others, save pets’ lives by ensuring they’re healthy. They can also save pet owners money by reducing or eliminating the risk of health problems that can be more expensive to treat.
Before just going to the vet that is closest to your house, call around and compare pricing. I have found from experience that they can range as much as $20 in their visit fees.
Save money on your pet’s health care by ensuring that your pet does not become obese. obesity in pets can lead to several health problems — including diabetes, arthritis, and cancer, to name just a few. Those are costly health issues to treat.
Save money on a dog walker by walking your dog yourself.
C’mon admit it… you need the exercise as much as your dog does! Who doesn’t?
3. Food
Buy in Bulk. When you see sales, stock up on products you definitely know your pet will use. Visit warehouses and stores to find good deals on large quantities of items your pet loves.
Please check this article about Saving Money On Your Pets: Dog Food Tips And How To Save Money.
Feed them homemade meals. Please check the following articles:
Easy Home-Prepared Dog Food
Home Cooking: The Alternative to Pet Foods
Homemade Cat Food and Raw Cat Food
Home Prepared Diets for Dogs & Cats
Dog treats aren’t too terribly expensive but why pay anything for them when you can make them in your own kitchen! Not only will you save money but you will also be providing your dog with a healthier option. Which could later save on vet bills.
Pet Treat Recipes
6 Recipes for Homemade Dog Treats
4 DIY Cat Treat Recipes
Chewy Cat Treats for Cats
4. Entertainment
You only need 5 to 10 dog toys total, because dogs always gravitate to their favorites. Once you find the type of toy your dog prefers, simply replace that one with a similar or identical one each time it wears out. Choose the most indestructible dog toys possible, and don’t give your dog access to all of his toys all the time. Instead, always keep some hidden away. Then, rotate your dog’s toys every week or so. That way, they’ll always seem “new” to him when they’re re-introduced.
You can always make your own, check DIY Cat Toys.
37 Homemade Dog Toys Made by DIY Pet Owners
How to make pet toys
How to make scratching posts
Save money on dog collars and leashes by resisting impulse buys and sticking to the highest-quality, most-durable leashes and collars that will last for years. Truth is, all you really need is a simple pet collar that is easy to clean and not too expensive to replace. Here are some DIY ideas:
10 Easy DIY Dog Collars
How to make pet collars & leashes
12 Fun and Easy DIY Pet Accessories
How to make pet beds
How to make pet clothes
5. Grooming
It may take a little practice but if you love your pet and you want to save a few bucks through the years, then you’ll want to start grooming your pet yourself. It’s best to start early. The younger your pet is, the quicker he’ll get used to the fact that “this is just something we always do” and he won’t put up a fight.
The Importance of Grooming Your Pet
Pet pedicure can be easier if you follow 10 Steps to a Perfect Pet Pedicure. The tools you'll need are cheap, a nail file and a nail clippers.
Coat care is also simple if you get the right tools, search the web for the right tools for your pet's coat, long hair or short hair, each type has its own useful tools. Make sure you have the right brushes, combs, and clippers for the job. Ask your veterinarian which tools he recommends for your pet.
Pet Brush 2 in 1 Combo Brush for Long and Short Hair
Pet Fur Knot Cutter
Dog & Cat Brush For Shedding for Short Hair
I hope you found this post helpful, please give me your feedback in the comments down below.